All the melting ice is even moving the North Pole toward England. Content 'The animated spiral presents global temperature change in a visually appealing and straightforward way. (We’re not going to hazard and SPF rating.) When all that white ice melts, that means there are less reflective white surfaces bouncing the sun’s warming radiation back into space. The white ice reflects the sun’s rays and heat. Its clear from this visualization that were now approaching 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, above preindustrial temperatures, at least for the year 2015 and so far in 2016. Think of glaciers as sunblock for the planet. Our findings suggest that there is a climate change spiral of silence, in which even people who care about the issue, shy away from discussing it because they so infrequently hear other. The term climate spiral describes an animated radial plot of global temperatures. “The glaciers are melting!” sounds like a cliche, until you see the GIFs. And while scientific evidence showing this year is the hottest ever should be irrefutable, all it takes is a cold snap in the Buffalo for politicians - who, let’s be real, are the recipients of fossil fuel campaign contributions - to cast doubt or start saying “there’s room for debate.” (Can you imagine if they said there was “room for debate” in a statistics class?) Sometimes nothing’s as good as just showing people the visual evidence, as the animated GIFs - the internet’s preferred image type - below do with such damning efficacy. Higher sea levels, when viewed from the shore, are pretty tough to prove. As a result, plant science technologies are needed more than ever. While causing temperatures and water levels to rise, climate change is changing agriculture for the worse. Climate Change Farmer Livelihood Food Security.

Some of the effects of climate change are tough to spot. Ways Plant Science Tackles Climate Change in 5 GIFs. Creating the Earths Digital Twin to Understand Climate Change HPC Announcement.