As well as the earliest humans on the planet shared information in pictures carved and painted on rocks and caves as early infographics. Everything about the relief sculpture of the pharaoh Akhenaten and his family pictured as in Figure 1 is loaded with information: this is a 3,300-year-old infographic (Confalone, 2012). Infographic is a brilliant approach in the business and design world currently and have become the easy technique for passing on useful information to the audiences/readers.Īctually it is not such a new concept according to Confalone said on his blog that infographics are ancient as it appeared long time ago in Egypt. The main aim of visualization (İnan & Dur, 2012) is to communicate information more clearly and effectively by using graphical means. Visualization is defined as (Scaife, 1996) “mechanisms by which humans perceive, interpret, use and communicate visual information (McCormick et al., 1987) in Scaife (1996)”. Another word for infographic is information visualization (InfoVis) or data visualization (Stasko, 2010). Infographic is a new method to visualize data. In Human and Computer Interaction (HCI) approach, infographics are capable of improve user cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the ability of human visual system to see patterns and trends (Heer et al., 2010 Card, 2009). Educational definition for infographic is “a collection of graphic organizers integrates different media in simple diagrams: text, images, symbols and schemas” (Serenelli et al., 2000). The definitions of infographic are: “The use of computer-supported, interactive visual representations of data to amplify cognition” (Card, 1999) infographic is graphic visual representation of information, data or knowledge intended to clarify and integrate difficult information quickly and clearly (Newsom & Haynes, 2004 Smiciklas, 2012). “The human brain is more able to identify and comprehend relationships and patterns if data is encoded into visual forms” (Cleveland, 1994).

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, is the familiar phrase. This paper also includes the history, importance, and benefit of infographics in general and introduces the tools for making infographics professionally. The suggestive guidelines of infographics creation are also addressed. With infographics can escalate the growth of e-entrepreneurship, they will be very useful as the well-organized, easy-to-understand, eye-catchy, and shareability marketing tools.

For the people who need to communicate quickly the spoken or printed account is sometimes too difficult for understanding. Interactive, Multimedia and Video infographics can be created in 3D to make it more appreciative than regular illustrative pictures and text, especially for the difficult and complicated contents. They spend less time to consider whether it is worth further reading. People scan for the headlines and graphics (usually in pictures, graphs, charts) that draw their interest. Additionally, the changing lifestyle in digital age, data and information need to be quicker and easier processed. Now the infographics have been applied for telling the story. It may be used to accommodate newsletters, newspapers, magazines, and reports. AbstractInfographics were used to support the work of journalism back in 1980s.